Lotus Lake Camp strives to create an environment that allows all campers and staff to feel safe and welcome. Campers are expected to be able to:
- Follow directions
- Respect others
- Work towards becoming more independent
- Keep themselves and others safe
- Refrain from bullying or harassing others
- Stay with the group
- Refrain from hurting others physically or emotionally.
At Lotus Lake, the safety of your child and others depends on their being able to follow directions and stay with the group. Not being able to stay with the group or follow directions will result initially in a time out and/or discussion about the importance of both. Further offenses will result in a conversation with a director and a phone call home. If this behavior doesn’t change, then the parent/guardian will be asked to pick up their camper or keep them home a day. No refund for a missed day will be made. If on return to camp the camper is non compliant, dismissal from camp will result and no refund of money will be made.
Lotus Lake takes bullying, harassing, or hurting others physically or emotionally very seriously. Staff will let a director know what has happened. A conversation with the camper will occur and a phone call will be made home if the director finds the report to be true. Depending on the severity of the offense, your camper may be asked to stay home a day or not return to camp. No refund will be made in either of these circumstances. We expect campers and staff to be respectful of each other. We realize that for some this is a learning process and slip ups occur. We strive to help individuals recognize what they could do differently, take ownership for their mistakes, and work to make amends. An unwillingness to do any of the latter (defiance) will result in a phone call home. Repeated offenses will result in being asked to take a day off or will result in being asked to leave camp permanently. No refund will be made in either of these circumstances.
We are not prepared to accommodate one-on-one supervision for campers. Although we recognize that there are situations where for a short while a camper may need help with de-escalation, a personal problem, making a healthy decision, we are not able to do this with a camper multiple times a day, nor each day. Please consider hiring a one-on- one for your camper or call to discuss whether this is the program for your child.