2025 Communicable Disease/Protocols for Lotus Lake Camp ( revised 1/2024)
This policy may be updated as guidelines and information changes. In order for us all to minimize the risk of bringing covid-19 or other communicable disease to camp, we ask that all staff and camp families agree to the following terms:
- Covid-19 Vaccination is recommended, but not required.
- We will operate on a stay home if sick mantra. No child will be allowed at camp if a temperature of 100 or above is recorded. Campers must be fever free for 24 hours without any meds and symptoms must be disappearing in order to return to camp.
- A negative covid-19 test can also allow your camper to return if there is no fever.
- If your camper has seasonal allergies or other conditions that can be documented by a doctor as an explanation to why they have covid-19 like symptoms, then a decision will be made whether or not they can attend camp by director and/or health supervisor.
- A camper who has tested positive may return to camp on day 6 as long as there is no fever and symptoms have improved. Day 1 is the first day of symptoms.
- We will operate with a test to stay policy.
- Refunds will not be made for any missed camp days.
- Campers who show any symptoms at camp will be isolated in a designated area until someone can pick them up or a negative test result is had.